Julie Lifshay
Program Manager
With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Julie Lifshay has dedicated her career to addressing health disparities. Starting at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a behavioral scientist, Dr. Lifshay helped to develop the first Evidence Based Intervention specifically designed for people who were formally incarcerated. She earned her PhD in Epidemiology at the University of California, Berkeley where she work on (HIV) Prevention in Uganda. Julie returned to focus on the health issues affecting individuals and families impacted by incarceration as the Health and Special Projects manager at Centerforce for 9 years, and then served as Director of Aging and Retention in Care at the San Francisco AIDS Foundation (SFAF) where she led teams focused on linkage and retention in HIV care, housing, issues faced by those aging with HIV, and HIV prevention and treatment for older African American LGBTQ men.